Kellyn Hodges Orthodontics

Different Orthodontic Treatments for Addressing Crossbites

Apr 26, 2013 @ 12:41 PM — by Kellyn Hodges
Tagged with: Crossbite Malocclusion Braces Invisalign

A healthy bite means a lot of things. For one, it means perfectly aligned teeth that look their absolute best. In addition, it means a healthy mouth that is free from major complications down the road. If you have any issues with tooth alignment, you can easily be helped by a skilled Philadelphia orthodontist.

Right now we'd like to take a few minutes to consider one kind of malocclusion: the crossbite. You've likely heard the term before, but you may not be clear on what it means. Let's give you some basic facts on crossbites and let you know how we can remedy this dental problem.

What is a crossbite?

A crossbite is a kind of malocclusion that generally refers to cases in which the teeth of the upper dental arch do not project forwad/on top of the teeth of the lower dental arch. There are actually three different types of crossbites:

Dental Problems Associated with Crossbites

Crossbites can result in a number of major dental health issues, including:

It's for these reasons that various orthodontic treatment options are used in order to correct crossbites.

Treating Crossbites

There are a few different ways that crossbites can be treated, though it is always most ideal to treat the crossbite at an early age. In many cases, the use of Philadelphia braces will be sufficient for addressing the crossbite. When braces are not an ideal option, children are sometimes given a rapid palatal expander (RPE), which is a device that helps spread the upper jaw so that the teeth of the lower dental arch fit inside the teeth of the upper dental arch.

In adults, the treatment can be more involved. Braces will work for minor crossbites, but oral surgery may need to be used in cases of severe crossbites, particularly if the malocclusion has gotten worse with time. Our team of orthodontists serving Philadelphia will do their best to use the least invasive treatment possible.

Will Invisalign be ideal for treating overbites?

While Invisalign will be ideal for some patients with minor crossbites, the actual treatment used will really depend on the degree of the malocclusion. If the crossbite is mostly caused by tooth alignment, then Invisalign will be a good option. In cases where the dental arch causes the problem, Invisalign will not be ideal.

Learn More About Your Options for Orthodontic Care

For more information about braces, Invisalign, and your many different options for enhancing your dental health, be sure to contact our orthodontic practice serving Philadelphia today. The entire team at our offices look forward to meeting you in person and helping you make the best possible decision about your dental health.